Add Sites To Virusdie Dashboard

After creating a Virusdie account and connecting the API, you can start adding your sites to your Virusdie dashboard.

Adding Sites Automatically

  1. Login to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Virusdie extension
  3. Locate the Add All Sites to Virusdie button and click it
This process will connect all your child sites to your Virusdie account. This includes downloading and adding your unique sync file to the root directory of your child sites and making the API call that will connect all your sites to the Dashboard. Alternatively, if you want to add just some of your sites separately, you can use the Add to Virusdie button provided in the actions column for all sites that are not found in your Viruside account: Now, you are ready to start scanning your sites.

Adding Sites Manually

Adding sites to the Virusdie account manually, required 3 easy steps:
  1. Add the site to the list in your Virusdie account
  2. Upload your unique sync file to the root directory of your child site
  3. Set your preferences
Full process documentation can be found in this help document.

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