WooCommerce Status Extension

MainWP WooCommerce Status Extension provides you the ability to see the WooCommerce status right from your MainWP Dashboard site. It enables you to monitor all your stores from one place.

WooCommerce Status Dashboard

On the MainWP > Extensions > MainWP WooCommerce Status Extension page, you can see all your child sites with the WooCommerce plugin installed. Here you can see for each child site:
  • Income for the current month
  • Top Seller product for the current month
  • Number of orders waiting for the processing
  • Number of orders on hold
  • Number of products low on stock
  • Number of products out of stock
By clicking on any of the provided links, the Extension will open the corresponding page on the child site.

WooCommerce Status Widgets

The Extension adds the WooCommerce Status widget to the MainWP overview page and in each child site individual overview. In the widget, you will be able to see the same data, and the same links will be provided. The individual widgets show only statistics for an individual child site. The Global Overview widget shows a summary of all your WooCommerce stores. Here you can see the sales amount summed from all your stores for the current month. Also, it will show you the top seller product from all your stores, the number of all waiting and on-hold orders, and the number of all products low and out of stock.  

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