Install and Set the WordPress SEO Extension

Installation of the MainWP WordPress SEO Extension requires three important steps:
  • Installing the Extension itself on your MainWP Dashboard site
  • Installing the Yoast SEO plugin on your MainWP Dashboard site
  • Installing the Yoast SEO plugin on Child Sites

Installing the Extension

The MainWP WordPress Extension needs to be installed only on your MainWP Dashboard site. You can install it as any other MainWP Extension.

Installing the Plugin on MainWP Dashboard Site

The Yoast SEO plugin needs to be installed on your MainWP Dashboard site. You can install it like any other WordPress plugin. For additional help with installing WordPress plugins, please review this help document.

Installing the Plugin on Child Sites

For the proper use of the MainWP WordPress SEO Extension, you need to install the Yoast SEO Plugin on your child sites.

Install from MainWP Dashboard

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Plugins > Install page
  3. In the Search field, enter the plugin name (Yoast SEO)
  4. Press enter on your keyboard
  5. After the search results appear, locate the plugin
  6. Select the Install this Plugin option
  7. Select your child sites
  8. In the Installation Options box, make sure that the Activate after installation option is selected.
  9. Click the button to complete the installation.
  10. Once the installation is complete, Sync your MainWP Dashboard.

Install directly on Child Site

  1. Login into your child site
  2. Go to the WP > Plugins > Add New page
  3. In the Search field, enter the plugin name (Yoast SEO)
  4. After the search results appear, locate the plugin
  5. Click the Install button
  6. Click the Activate button
For additional help with installing WordPress plugins, please review this help document.

Important Note

After installing the Yoast SEO plugin, it is required to Synchronize your sites so your MainWP Dashboard becomes aware that the plugin has been installed and activated.

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