How to Install the MainWP WordFence Extension

Installation of the MainWP Wordfence Extension requires two important steps:
  • Installing the Extension itself
  • Installing the Wordfence plugin on Child Sites.

1. Installing the Extension

MainWP Wordfence Extension is a WordPress plugin, and the installation process is the same as any other WordPress plugin. Follow the steps below in your MainWP Dashboard site, not child sites:
  1. Go to the WP-Admin > Plugins > Add New
  2. Click the “Upload” link
  3. Click “Choose File”
  4. Locate the file and click the “Install Now” button.
  5. After installations, click the “Activate Plugin” link.
  6. Next, go to the MainWP > Extensions page,
  7. locate the new extension and enable it by clicking the Enable button.
That is it. The extension is ready for use.
If you prefer, you can install MainWP Extension by uploading it to the server with your favorite FTP client. You need to extract the MainWP Extension file to 

2. Installing the Wordfence Plugin

For the proper use of the MainWP Wordfence Extension, you need to install the Wordfence Plugin on your child sites. To do that,
  1. Go to the WP Admin > Plugins > Add New page;
  2. In the search form, enter “Wordfence”;
  3. Click the Search Plugins button;
  4. When you get Search Results, locate the plugin and click the Install Now link.
  5. Click the Activate Plugin link.
  6. Once the installation is complete, Sync your MainWP Dashboard.
Now, your MainWP Wordfence Extension is ready for use!

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