Hosting Compatibility

Recommended Hosts

Your MainWP Dashboard will work with almost any host, but we recommend:
There are hundreds and hundreds of web hosts out there, and choosing one from the crowd can be really hard. There is no perfect host; we wish we could say otherwise and that you should move to this or that host  MainWP plugin has no size or speed limits set into it, but it has to run in accordance with the server's configurations. If the server is slow or bad, then naturally, the plugin may have a harder time running properly. Before choosing a host for you, be sure to check the MainWP System Requirements, and naturally, you need to verify that the host is a  good match for WordPress itself.
Please note that the Hosting compatibility list under is mostly based on users feedback that we have been collecting over time, and the list will be updated regularly.



  • Sometimes, servers are overloaded, causing browsing sites hosted on them very slow or server time outs.

  • Problems may occur with sites bigger than 450MB


  • No cPanel

Digital Ocean

  • Reports that cURL does not come pre-installed on droplets, so you will need to install it to connect a Child site


  • HTTP Loopbacks are not allowed (PHP connects back to the site via curl to Site URL).
  • “Unlimited” is not truly unlimited. Storing backups in your account is PROHIBITED by unlimited plans terms of service.
  • Resource related:
    • Extremely slow zip generation.
    • Problems may occur with sites above 22MB (limit can be increased with zip compression turned off) due to slow processing.
    • Possible workaround: Extend PHP timeout in the php.ini file to increase MainWP run-time.
  • Uses custom control panel (No cPanel).
  • Configuration related:
    • No native command-line zip.
    • Procwatch automatically kills off MainWP if it uses too many resources while creating a backup or clone.
  • You need to verify your MySQL server as it may not be the common default localhost (important for cloning and migrating process).


  • Custom control panel (No cPanel). Some changes take up to hours to take effect.
  • On some servers, slow site load time can occur.
  • Some servers are overloaded not leaving processing power for backups or clones.
  • The system kills any PHP process working too long or too hard (ie, backup /clone process).


  • Fast.
  • Command-line zip is available for best MainWP experience.
  • cPanel.
  • Max PHP runtime limit is 30 seconds for shared hosting.
Info: Current limits of reseller and shared hosting (9/20/2011):
  • safe mode = Off (cannot adjust)
  • memory_limit = 64M (MAXIMUM)
  • max_execution_time = 30 (MAXIMUM)
  • max_input_time = 60 (MAXIMUM)
  • post_max_size = 64M (MAXIMUM)
  • upload_max_filesize = 64M (MAXIMUM)
  • enable_dl = Off (cannot adjust)

Heart Internet

  • It does not allow loopback connections, so your Dashboard and Child need to be on separate servers
  • Tested by the MainWP Team and no issues detected.

InMotion Hosting

  • Tested by the MainWP Team and no issues detected.


  • Minimal issues.
  • Linux command line zip is not supported.


  • Minimal issues.


  • Command line ZIP is blocked by this host.


  • Reports of them automatically quarantining plugin files causing major issues. It can be resolved by contacting their support and asking them to remove the quarantine.

Rack Space Hosting

  • Failing path/directory detection may occur due to symlink issues. (Prevents backups and cloning)
  • We cannot accurately report the status of Cloudsites hosting.

WP Engine

  • It’s recommended to add the following to your .htaccess
  • Blocked command line zip via PHP exec().
  • Downloading of backup files via the web is disabled for enhanced security purposes. This will also affect cloning.
  • UpdraftPlus plugin is not working properly, so the MainWP UpdrafPlus extension may have issues with this hosting.
  • Wordfence plugin disallowed
  • Broken Link Checker plugin disallowed
  • Deleting plugins and themes from child sites hosted on the WP Engine via Dashboard is not working by default due to Nginx configuration. To solve the problem, please check this help document.

Important Note

If you have the experience, good or bad, with any hosting provider that is not listed in our list, you can share it with other MainWP Users by submitting your impressions in the MainWP Contact Form.

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