MainWP Dashboard Settings

General Settings


Hide MainWP Child Plugin from Search Engines Removed in MainWP 4

By enabling this option, you will hide the MainWP Child plugin from search engines and your competitors. This means that anyone who tries to reach ../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-child/ directory on your child sites will encounter the 404 page. Since MainWP 4, the MainWP Child plugin includes the custom .htaccess file with the rewrite rule (listed below) by default. This rewrite rule will make anyone who tries to reach ../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-child/ directory on your child sites encounter the 404 page. The feature does not work on the NGINX servers.
This feature will make changes to the  .htaccess file on your child site. Please note that in rare cases and server configuration could cause problems such as broken permalinks.
This feature does not hide the MainWP Child plugin from the WordPress back-end. The plugin will still be visible in WP Admin on child sites. If you need to hide the MainWP Child plugin, you will need the MainWP Branding Extension.
The extension inserts the following code snippet to the .htaccess file on your child sites.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^wp-content/plugins/mainwp-child/(.*)$ /wp-content/plugins/THIS_PLUGIN_DOES_NOT_EXIST [QSA,L]
# END MainWP

Optimize for shared hosting or big networks Default Value: NO

If enabled, MainWP Dashboard will cache updates for faster loading. Because of this, it is required to sync your MainWP Dashboard manually before performing updates.
It is recommended for MainWP Dashboards with 50+ child sites and for MainWP Dashboards that are hosted on shared servers.

General Settings

Enable WP Cron Default Value: YES

Setting this option to NO will disable the WP-Cron, so all scheduled events will stop working. Disabling the WP-Cron requires setting Cron jobs manually in your hosting control panel.

Automatic Daily Sync Time

This feature enables you to set a specific time for the automatic sync action.

Daily Update frequency

Set how often you want your MainWP Dashboard to perform automatic sync.
For example: if the Automatic daily sync time is set to 7:00, and you set the frequency to 3 times per day, the first sync will occur at 7:00, second in eight hours (15:00), and third 8 hours after the second sync 23:00.

Sidebar position Default Value: Right

Select the sidebar position for your MainWP Dashboard.

Updates Options

Plugin automatic updates Default Value: Disabled

This option allows you to enable the Auto-updates feature for Trusted Plugins.

Theme automatic updates Default Value: Disabled

This option allows you to enable the Auto-updates feature for Trusted Themes.

WP Core automatic updates Default Value: Disabled

This option allows you to enable the Auto-updates feature for Trusted sites.

Show WordPress language updates Default Value: YES

If enabled, this feature checks if there are available language pack updates on your child sites. The available updates will show in the Update Overview widget on the MainWP > Overview page.

Show WordPress language updates Default Value: YES

If enabled, this feature checks if there are available language pack updates on your child sites. The available updates will show in the Update Overview widget on the MainWP > Overview page.

Update Confirmations Default Value: Enabled

  • If enabled, this feature will ask you to confirm any Updates that you attempt to perform.
  • If set to Disabled, updates will be processed as soon as you click the Update button.
  • If set to Disable for single updates, confirmations will be needed only when performing bulk updates. Single instance updates will be processed right away.

Require backup before upgrade Default Value: NO

When trying to update a plugin, theme, or WordPress core, if enabled, this feature will check if the child site has been backed up in the last seven days. If it is, it will proceed with the update. If not, it will ask you if you want to perform a backup before updating.
This feature works only with the MainWP Basic Backup system. Backup extensions are not supported. If the MainWP Legacy Backups option is not enabled, the feature will be disabled.

Abandoned plugins/themes tolerance Default Value: 365

In case a plugin or theme author didn't release an update for the set number of days, the plugin/theme will be marked as Possibly Abandoned. The list of possibly abandoned plugins and themes can be found in the Update Overview widget on the MainWP > Overview page.

Basic Uptime Monitoring

Enables the Basic Uptime Monitoring feature that is part of the MainWP Core. It doesn't integrate into 3rd party services such as Uptime Robot, Sit24x7, or NodePing.

Set how often you want your MainWP Dashboard to check your child sites.

Site Health Monitoring

Enables the Site Health Monitoring feature that is part of the MainWP Core. It doesn't integrate into 3rd party services. It gets data from the WP Core feature designed for monitoring site health.

Set how often you want your MainWP Dashboard to check your child sites.

Backup Options

Enable Legacy Backups Feature

MainWP is actively moving away from the default backups feature, so it is highly recommended to us some of MainWP Backup Extensions. For new users, this feature is disabled. To use the native backup system, the option needs to be enabled.

Select Primary Backup System Default Value: N/A

MainWP plugin allows you to choose between multiple backup systems and sets the one you prefer. In case you have multiple backup extensions installed, here, you can set the primary one.
View all available Backup Extensions.

Advanced Settings

Big amount of simultaneous requests and a small delay between requests may cause various issues, such as:
  • Syncing issues
  • Failing Updates
  • Failing Installations

Cross IP Settings

Maximum simultaneous requests Default Value: 4

If too many requests are sent out, they will begin to time out. This causes your child sites to be shown as offline while they are up and running.
With a typical shared host, the recommended value for this option is 4.

Minimum delay between requests Default Value: 200

This option allows you to control the minimum time delay between two requests.
With a typical shared host, the recommended value for this option is  200.

IP Settings

Maximum simultaneous requests per IP Default Value: 1

If too many requests are sent out, they will begin to time out. This causes your child sites to be shown as offline while they are up and running.
With a typical shared host, the recommended value for this option is  1.

Minimum delay between requests to the same IP Default Value: 1000

This option allows you to control the minimum time delay between two requests.
With a typical shared host, the recommended value for this option is  1000.

Frontend Request Settings

Maximum simultaneous sync requests Default Value: 8

This option allows you to control how many sites your MainWP Dashboard should sync at once.
With a typical shared host, the recommended value for this option is 8.

Maximum simultaneous install and update request Default Value: 3

This option allows you to control how many updates and install requests your MainWP Dashboard should process at once.
With a typical shared host, the recommended value for this option is 3.

SSL Settings

Verify certificate Default Value: YES

If this option is enabled, MainWP Dashboard will verify the SSL Certificate on your Child Site (if exists) while connecting the Child Site to your MainWP Dashboard. Please note that this is a global setting. The option can be adjusted for individual use for each Child Site addition in the Add New Site form.
If you are using an out of date or self-assigned SSL Certificate and you are having trouble with connecting a Child Site, try to disable the SSL Certificate verification and see if that helps.

IPv4 Settings

Force IPv4 Default Value: NO

If this option is enabled, MainWP Dashboard will force IPv4 when trying to connect to your child site. Use on servers where IPv6 is not supported.

MainWP Tools

Force your MainWP Dashboard to establish a new connection

Forces your MainWP Dashboard to reconnect with all your Child Sites.
This feature will log out any currently logged in users on the Child sites and require them to re-login. Use only if suggested by the MainWP Support team.

Start the MainWP Quick Setup Wizard

Press the button to start the MainWP Quick Setup Wizard.

Export child sites to CSV file

This feature will export all your websites to a CSV file that is fully compatible with the MainWP Import Sites feature.

Import child sites

This button will redirect you to the MainWP > Sites > Import Sites section.

Disconnect Sites

This feature will break the connection with all connected child sites. However, the MainWP Child plugin will stay active on child sites. This feature has been designed to quickly disconnect sites when this is needed for migrating sites to another dashboard.

Hide update everything

Enable this option to hide the Update Everything button in the Updates Overview widget.

Enable screenshots

Enable this option to enable the MainWP > Sites > Screenshots feature designed to display a grid of child sites homepage screenshots. It uses the API (mShots) to generate screenshots via API requests.

Widgets columns

Set if you want to display  Overview page widgets in 2 or three columns

Hide unwanted widgets

Select widgets that you don't want to see on the MainWP > Overview page.

Show favicons

If enabled, MainWP Dashboard will download the child site favicon while connecting the site and display it in front of the site URL in the Sites table.

Turn off the brag button

After performing updates, publishing content, or installing new plugins and themes to your child sites, MainWP Dashboard offers you to tweet info about preformed action quickly. To disable the feature, enable the Turn off brag button option.

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