Test Connection Between Your MainWP Dashboard and Child Site

The Test Connection feature is specifically testing what your MainWP Dashboard can "see" and what your MainWP Dashboard "sees" and what my MainWP Dashboard "sees" or what your browser "sees" can be completely different things. To be sure that your Child Site can be connected to your MainWP Dashboard, first, you need to make sure that your MainWP Dashboard can communicate with the Child Site. To verify that a Child Site can be connected to your MainWP Dashboard:
  1. Go to the MainWP > Sites > Add New page
  2. Enter your Child Site URL
  3. In the Advanced Options section, adjust settings for the testIf your child site uses an SSL Certificate that is self-assigned or out of date, try to set the Verify Certificate option to No.
    • If you know the exact SSL Version on the Child site, select the correct value. In the other case, leave the Auto Detect value.
    • If your Child Site is protected with the HTTP Basic Authentication, enter your HTTP Username and HTTP Password.
  4. Click the Test Connection button.
The result of the test will appear after a few seconds at the top of the page. In case you get a different result than
Connection test successful! (URL: yoururl.com (IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) - Received HTTP-code: 200 (OK))
there is a possibility that your child site won't be able to connect to your MainWP Dashboard.

Important Note

To find out more about what your HTTP Status Code means, please check the full list of HTTP Status Codes.

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