Install Extension(s)

Automatic Extension(s) Installation

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard site
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions page
  3. On the top of the page, you will find the Bulk Install and Activate Extensions box
  4. In the Step 1 section:
    1. Enter your Username registered at
    2. Enter your Password registered at
    3. Select the Check to Save API login option
    4. Click the Save Login button
  5. After successful verification of your login credentials, proceed to Step 2
  6. In the Step 2 section:
    1. Click the Show Purchased Extensions button
    2. Select Extensions you want to install
    3. Click the Install Selected Extensions button
Once the Extension is installed, Activate it with an API key in order to receive automatic updates.

Automatic Extension(s) Installation by Using WordPress built-in plugin installer

  1. Go to the WP > Plugins > Add New page on your Dashboard site
  2. Click the Upload Plugin button
  3. Click the Browse Files button
  4. Find the previously downloaded Extension(s) and click the Install Now button.
  5. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
  6. If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions such as installing more Extensions.
Once the Extension is installed, Activate it with an API key to receive automatic updates.

Manual Extension(s) Installation

  1. Download your MainWP Extension(s) to your desktop.
  2. If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the Extension folder to your desktop.
  3. With your FTP program, upload the Extension folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress (Dashboard site) directory online.
  4. Go to WP > Plugins screen and find the newly uploaded Extension on the list.
  5. Click Activate to activate it.
Once the Extension is installed, Activate it with an API key in order to receive automatic updates.

Important Note

MainWP Extensions should be installed only on your Dashboard site.

Extensions should never be installed on a Child Site!

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