Create a New Page

The MainWP Plugin allows you to create a new WordPress page on one or multiple Child Sites.

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Pages > Add New page
    1. Set the Page Title
    2. Set the Page Content
    3. Set the Page Excerpt (optional)
    4. Set the Page Custom Fields (optional)
    5. Set the Page Discussion Settings (optional)
    6. Set the Page Featured Image (optional)
    7. Set the Page Tags (optional)
    8. Set the Page Slug (optional)
    9. Select Child Sites where you want to publish this Page
    10. Click the Publish button

Schedule a Page on Child Sites

The scheduling page on Child Sites is almost the same as publishing it. The only difference is before clicking the Publish button (step 10 from the previous tutorial) is setting it to Scheduled status and setting the time. To do this,

  1. Follow steps 1 to 9 from the tutorial above
  2. In the Publish Options section
    1. Locate the Publish Immediately menu and select Schedule
    2. Set the wanted Date and Time
    3. Click OK
  3. Click the Publish button

Important Notes

The Page Preview action is not available in the MainWP Dashboard. Since the page will look different on each child site, previewing it on the Dashboard site doesn't help much.

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