Delete User(s)

Delete a Single User

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Users > Manage Users page
  3. Search for the wanted user(s)
  4. Once the list of found users appears
    1. Locate the user you want to delete
    2. Click the Delete action

Bulk Delete Users

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Users > Manage Users page
  3. Search for the wanted users
  4. Once the list of found users appears
    1. Locate users you want to delete
    2. Select users by checking the checkbox in the corresponding row
    3. In the Bulk Actions dropdown menu, select Delete
    4. Click the Apply button

Important Notes

  • MainWP Dashboard plugin won't allow you to delete the Administrator User from a Child Site that has been used for establishing a secure connection with the Child Site. To delete this user, you will need to Edit the Child site and set a different user for establishing the connection.
  • If a user you are deleting is an author of any Posts/Pages on a Child Site, that content will be automatically attributed to the Administrator User that has been used for establishing a secure connection with the Child Site. If you need to change the Author of Posts/Pages, this must be done by bulk-editing the content directly on the WP Admin of the child site.

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