Edit a Child Site

Along with certain MainWP settings that can be controlled on a child site level, the Child Site Edit page will allow you to update Child Site Name, Administrator User username, assigned groups,...

Access Child Site Edit Page

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Sites > Manage Sites page
  3. Locate the Child Site that you want to edit
  4. Under the actions menu
    1. Locate the Edit action
    2. Click it

Edit Page Breakdown

General Options

  • If you add an SSL certificate on your Child Site after it's connected to your MainWP Dashboard, you can easily change from HTTP to HTTPS protocol in the Site URL field. Also, in the case the SSL Certificate is removed after establishing the connection, you can change from HTTPS to HTTP.
  • If needed, the Administrator Username field will allow you to change the used User.
  • Update the child site friendly name in the Site Friendly Name field
  • Update groups
  • Auto Update Core option will allow you to enable WP Core auto-updates for the Child Site.
  • Ignore Core Update option will let you ignore WordPress Core Update for the Child Site.
  • Ignore all Plugin Updates; mark all plugin updates as ignored for the Child Site
  • Ignore all Theme Updates mark all theme updates as ignored for the Child Site

Advanced Options

  • If you change or add the Unique Security ID on your website, update it in the Unique Security ID field.
  • If your Child Site starts experiencing issues with an SSL Certificate, you can change the initially set option.
  • Update the SSL Version. If you don’t know what is the SSL Version on your website or if there is no SSL Certificate on it, skip this field and leave the Auto Detect value.
  • In case you set HTTP Basic  Authentication on your website, enter your username and password in the HTTP username and HTTP password fields.

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