Ignore WordPress Core Update

MainWP Plugin allows you to "ignore" a WordPress Core update. This means that a WordPress Core update won't show in the available updates list (Updates page and the Update Overview widget) nor the Status column of the Manage Sites table.

Ignore a WordPress Core Update for a Child Site

  1. Log in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Sites > Manage Sites page
  3. Locate the site that you want to ignore WP Core update for
  4. Click the Edit action from the actions menu
  5. On the Child Site Edit page
  6. Locate the Ignore Core Update option
    1. Set it to YES
    2. Click the Save Settings button

Un-ignore a WordPress Core Update for a Child Site

  1. Log in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Sites > Manage Sites page
  3. Locate the site that you want to un-ignore WP Core update for
  4. Click the Edit action from the actions menu
  5. On the Child Site Edit page
    1. Locate the Ignore Core Updates option
    2. Set it to NO
    3. Click the Save Settings button

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