Install by Upload

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard site
  2. Go to the MainWP > Plugins > Install Plugins page
  3. Go to the Upload .zip file tab
  4. Click the Upload button
  5. Browse your computer and select the plugin .zip file
  6. After the upload process is done,
  7. In the Select Sites box, select all sites you want to install this plugin to
  8. Review the Installation Options
  9. Click the Complete Installation button

Installation Options

Activate after installation - if selected, the MainWP Plugin will automatically activate the installed plugin on your Child Sites. Overwrite the existing version - if selected, the MainWP Plugin will overwrite the plugin on your Child Sites if the plugin is already installed.

Important Notes

When uploading a plugin in .zip format, you need to be sure that your server will allow the upload for the file size of the plugin. To see what is the Maximum File Size for your server, check the Server Information page on your MainWP Dashboard site.

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