How To Find The Openssl.cnf File

Whether you run your MainWP Dashboard on Local or Web host, the best and easiest way to locate the openssl.cnf file is to search for it in the  PHP info.

  • Once you access the PHP info, look for the OpenSSL settings
  • Look for the Default OpenSSL config row
  • The file location will be listed thereOpenSSL Settings


If you are running your MainWP Dashboard on the localhost, here you can find the usual locations of the openssl.cnf file.


On the XAMPP installations, the openssl.cnf file usually can be found here:
If you don't have your XAMPP installed on the C drive, just edit the beginning of the path. In some cases, Apache version number is included in the path too, for example:


On the WAMP installations, the openssl.cnf file usually can be found here:
If you don't have your XAMPP installed on the C drive, edit the beginning of the path. In some cases, Apache version number is included in the path too, for example:


On the MAMP installations, the openssl.cnf file usually can be found here:
If you don't have your MAMP installed on the C drive, edit the beginning of the path. In some cases, Apache version number is included in the path too, for example:


On the Laragon installations, the openssl.cnf file usually can be found here:

* The middle section of the path may vary with each version number update.


If you are running your MainWP Dashboard site on a Windows server, you should be able to find the OpenSSL.cnf file by checking the phpinfo().

  • Once you access the PHP info, look for the OpenSSL settings
  • Look for the Default OpenSSL config row
  • The file location will be listed thereOpenSSL Settings
If you are not able to locate the file, you should reach your host support and have them provide you the exact path to the openssl.cnf file.

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