Create BackWPup Job

Create a Global Job

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > BackWPup > Add New Job page
  3. In the Job Name option box:BackWPup - Job Name
    • Enter a Name for the Backup Job
  4. In the Job Tasks option box:BakckWPup - Job Tasks
    • Set tasks that you want to include in this Job
  5. Next, set the backup file creation preferences in the Backup File Creation option box:BackWPup - Backup File Creation
    • First, set the backup archive name
    • After that, choose a backup archive format
  6. The next step is to set where do you want to keep your backup filesBackWPup - Job Destinations
    • You can select one or multiple destinations
  7. In the Email Logs option boxBackWPup - Email Logs
  8. Click the Save Changes button
After pressing the Save Changes button, the extension will create this backup job on all your child sites that don't have the Individual Settings in use.

Create Schedule on a Single Site

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Sites > Manage page
  3. Locate the site where you want to create a Backup Job
  4. Click the Edit action and go to the BackWPup tab
  5. Click the Add New Job tab
  6. In the BackWPup Site Settings option box, set the Overwrite General Setting option to YES and click the Save button
  7. In the Job Name option box:BackWPup - Job Name
    • Enter a Name for the Backup Job
  8. In the Job Tasks option box:BakckWPup - Job Tasks
    • Set tasks that you want to include in this Job
  9. Next, set the backup file creation preferences in the Backup File Creation option box:BackWPup - Backup File Creation
    • First, set the backup archive name
    • After that, choose a backup archive format
  10. The next step is to set where do you want to keep your backup filesBackWPup - Job Destinations
    • You can select one or multiple destinations
  11. In the Email Logs option boxBackWPup - Email Logs
    • Enter your email address to receive logs
    • Set the Email From settings
    • Choose if you want to receive logs only when errors occur during job execution.
  12. Click the Save Changes button.
After pressing the Save Changes button, the extension will create this backup job on the child site.

Job Additional Settings

Once the job is successfully created, a new set of options will appear for you, depending on your previous settings. BackWPup - Job Settings The extension will allow you to manage schedule settings, selected job tasks settings, and selected destination settings.

Schedule Settings

Select if you want to run the job manually, via WP-Cron, or with a URL. BackWPup - Job Schedule

Important Note

Excluding tables from a database backup and excluding files and directories from a  files backup task are not available in Global Jobs, only in Individual Jobs.

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