White Label Master Reset

If your Child Site gets disconnected from your MainWP Dashboard and you are not able to see the MainWP Child plugin because it has been hidden by the MainWP White Label Extension or any other white label option gets "stuck", you will need to Master Reset white label options on your child site.
  1. Access your child site server with your favorite FTP Client
  2. Locate the class-mainwp-child.php file on your Child Site
  3. Download the file
  4. Open the file in any Code EditorBranding Master Reset
    1. Locate the public function __construct( $plugin_file ) function around line 210
    2. Locate this–>update(); about 2 lines lower
    3. Directly after that line, add the following code:
  5. Save the changes in the file
  6. Upload file back to the site_root/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-child/class/ directory on your child site.
    Be sure to overwrite the current file.

Completely Disable White Label Settings for a Site

To completely disable custom white label settings for a specific Child Site, please insert the following code snippet to the functions.php file of the active theme on the child site:
add_filter( 'mainwp_child_branding_init_options', 'mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options');
function mycustom_mainwp_child_branding_init_options( $opts ) {
if (is_array($opts) && isset($opts['hide'])) {
      $opts['hide'] = '';
return $opts;

Important Note

After adding that code, you will be able to re-activate the child plugin and reconnect it to your MainWP Dashboard. After successfully reconnecting, download the file again and remove the code you added earlier. This needs to be done so the White Label Extension can be used properly again.

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