Create a Single Key

MainWP Bulk Settings Manager extension allows you to create Keys manually or import them from the MainWP Key Maker plugin or a file. Please note that we highly recommend making your keys by importing them from the Key Maker plugin. This method is much easier, quicker, and minimizes potential issues. However, if you decide to make keys manually, note that it is a harder process and recommended only to advanced users.

Make a Single Key with the Key Maker plugin.

The Bulk Settings Manager Extension works with the MainWP Key Maker plugin to record your form settings and make a “key.” Once you have the “key,” you save it into your Bulk Settings Manager Extension. From this point, you can submit your settings to child sites, or if needed, you can update your settings and submit them to child sites after that.
  1. Login into your website where you have the plugin set as you want it
  2. Install the MainWP Key Maker plugin and activate it
  3. Go to a settings page of a plugin, theme, or one of the WordPress settings pages that you want to copy to all your Child sites
  4. Submit the settings form, so the form is passed
  5. Press the MainWP Key Maker button listed at the top of your screen
  6. Select the post-submission Request field and copy it to clipboard
  7. Login to your MainWP Dashboard
  8. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Bulk Settings Manager page
  9. Go to the Import Keys from Key Maker tabPaste that copied code in the Key Code field
    1. Give your Key a name
    2. Click the Make the Key button
  10. After the Key has been created, you will be redirected to the Key Edit screen.
  11. Verify the form fields look correct for you and, if needed, update field values
  12. Click the Save Key button.

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