Remove Dashboard Locks

There are two ways to unlock your MainWP Dashboard site. In case there are no issues with your MainWP Dashboard site, and you can access the Clean and Lock Extension settings, you will be able to use the Unlock button to remove all locks. In case you can't access your MainWP Dashboard site, locks will need to be removed manually.

Unlock MainWP Dashboard

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Clean and Lock extension page
  3. Locate the Dashboard LockDown option box
  4. Click the Unlock button
It will remove all restrictions from your .htaccess files (Allowed IP Addresses, WP-Admin, and WP-login.php locks)

Manually Remove MainWP Dashboard Locks

Remove IP Address Restriction

  1. Use your favorite FTP Client to access your MainWP Dashboard site server
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your MainWP Dashboard site
  3. Locate the .htaccess file
  4. Download it
  5. Open the file in any code editor software
  6. Remove the code inserted by the Clean and Lock Extension
    # BEGIN MainWP Secure and Clean // remove code from here # END MainWP Secure and Clean
  7. Save changes
  8. Upload the file back to the root directory

Remove WP Admin Lock

  1. Use your favorite FTP Client to access your MainWP Dashboard site server
  2. Navigate to the ../wp-admin/ directory of your MainWP Dashboard site
  3. Locate the .htaccess file
  4. Download it
  5. Open the file in any code editor software
  6. Remove the code inserted by the Clean and Lock Extension
    # BEGIN MainWP Secure and Clean - Apache Password Protect wp-admin // remove code from here # END MainWP Secure and Clean - Apache Password Protect wp-admin
  7. Save changes
  8. Upload the file back to the ../wp-admin/ directory

Remove WP Login Lock

  1. Use your favorite FTP Client to access your MainWP Dashboard site server
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your MainWP Dashboard site
  3. Locate the .htaccess file
  4. Download it
  5. Open the file in any code editor software
  6. Remove the code inserted by the Clean and Lock Extension
    # BEGIN MainWP Secure and Clean - Apache Password Protect wp-login.php // remove code from here # END MainWP Secure and Clean - Apache Password Protect wp-login.php
  7. Save changes
  8. Upload the file back to the root directory

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