MainWP Child Reports

The MainWP Child Reports plugin communicates changes on your Child sites to the MainWP Client Reports Extension to create the Client Reports. It has been designed to record certain actions performed on WordPress sites.
Note: This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or higher to be activated and is only useful if you are using MainWP and the MainWP Client Reports Extension.
Credit to the Stream Plugin which the MainWP Child Reports plugin is built on.

Child Reports Records

If  you want to see what has been recorded by the MainWP Child Reports plugin,
  1. Go to your child site
  2. Go to the WP Admin > Settings > MainWP Child > MainWP Child Reports page
Child Reports Records The provided table will show you all recorded action

MainWP Child Reports Settings

The plugin comes with a few basic options. Settings page can be found on the  WP Admin > Settings > MainWP Child > MainWP Child Reports Settings page.
  1. Keep Records For option allows you to limit the number of days to keep recorded activity. By default, it is set to 180 days, which means that you can generate Client Reports for the last six months.
  2. Minimum time between posts/pages update reports allows you to set the period in which Edit Posts and Pages activity won't be recorded.
  3. Hide MainWP Child Reports plugin from reports option allows you to hide the MainWP Child Reports plugin from showing in reports.
  4. Reset MainWP Child Reports Database is a tool that will allow you to delete all records and reset the database tables used by this plugin to default.

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