MainWP Child Reports Settings

The MainWP Child Reports plugin communicates changes on your Child sites to the MainWP Pro Reports Extension to create the reports. It has been designed to record certain actions performed on WordPress sites.
Note: This plugin requires PHP 5.6 or higher to be activated and is only useful if you are using MainWP and the MainWP Pro Reports Extension.
Credit to the Stream Plugin, which the MainWP Child Reports plugin is built on.

Child Reports Records

If  you want to see what has been recorded by the MainWP Child Reports plugin,
  1. Go to your child site.
  2. Go to the WP Admin > Settings > MainWP Child > MainWP Child Reports page
The provided table will show you all recorded action

MainWP Child Reports Settings

Settings page can be found on the WP Admin > Settings > MainWP Child > MainWP Child Reports Settings page.
  1. Hide MainWP Child Reports from reports - If selected, the MainWP Child Reports plugin will be left out from reports for this site.
  2. Keep Records Indefinitely (Not recommended) - Purging old records helps keep your WordPress installation running optimally.
  3. Keep Records for - The Maximum number of days to keep activity records.
  4. Akismet Tracking - Akismet already keeps statistics for comment attempts that it blocks as SPAM. By default, MainWP Child Reports does not track these attempts unless you opt-in here. Enabling this is not necessary or recommended for most sites.
  5. Comment Flood Tracking - WordPress will automatically prevent duplicate comments from flooding the database. By default, MainWP Child Reports does not track these attempts unless you opt-in here. Enabling this is not necessary or recommended for most sites.
  6. WP-Cron Tracking - By default, MainWP Child Reports does not track activity performed by WordPress cron events unless you opt-in here. Enabling this is not necessary or recommended for most sites.
  7. Reset MainWP Child Reports Database - Use this option to delete all activity reports from the database.

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