Schedule Report

If you want to schedule your report(s),
  1. In the Report Settings option box, locate the Report type option
  2. Set the option to Recurring report
  3. New options will show up, where you can set schedule frequency
  4. Select if you want to send reports Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly
  5. Review report rest of the report settings and content
  6. Once everything is set, click the Schedule Report button at the bottom of the page

Schedule Options

  • Off - option will temporarily disable the report, and once you need it again, you can reset your schedule options.
  • Daily - the extension will send the report every day with report data for the previous day. For example, if you set the daily report today, the first report will be sent tomorrow with report data for today.
  • Weekly - the extension will send the report once a week for the previous week. You can set the day for sending the report. For example, if you set a weekly report and Monday as a day when the report will be sent, each Monday, the extension will send the report for the previous week. 
  • Monthly - the extension will send reports once a month for the previous month. You can set a day for sending the report. For example, if you set monthly reports and the 2nd day of the month for sending the report, each month, on the second day of the month, the extension will send the report for the previous month.
  • Yearly - the extension will send reports once a year for the last year. You can set a date for sending the report. For example, if you set yearly reports and January 5th as a day for sending the report, the extension will send the report on January 5th, 2018, for the year of 2017.

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