Create Google Analytics Client ID and Secret Client

  1. Go to the Google Developer Console.
  2. In the Google Developers Console, click the Projects Menu
  3. Click the New  Project  button
  4. Enter your Project Name and click the Create button
  5. Click the Enable APIs and Services link
  6. Locate the Google Analytics API and click it
  7. Enable it
  8. Click the Create Credentials button
  9. Skip this  step
  10. Click the Create Credentials and select the OAuth client ID option
  11. Click the Configure Consent Screen button
  12. Set External User Type
  13. Enter your Application name, Support Email, Authorized domains, Developer Email and click the Save And Continue button
  14. Skip the Scopes and Optional Infor steps; on the Summary, click the Back to Dashboard button
  15. Go to the Credentials section.
  16. Select Web Application, enter Name and paste the Authorized redirect URIs from your dashboard, click the Create button
  17. Client ID and Secret Client will be displayed to you

Important Notes

If the process keeps failing for you, please try a different browser and ensure that any ad-blocker add-ons in your browser are disabled. The process was verified and updated on November 3rd, 2020.

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