Google Analytics Extension

This extension requires PHP version 5.5 or higher on your MainWP Dashboard site server. If you attempt to activate it on a lower version of PHP, it may cause issues.
The MainWP Google Analytics Extension gives you valuable insights into your visitor's search and traffic patterns, your marketing campaigns, and much more, allowing you to optimize your strategy and the online experience of your users.

Use this Extension To Track:

  • Visits
  • Pageviews
  • Pages/Visit
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average Time on Site
  • New Visits

Google Analytics Widget

The Google Analytics widget allows you to track data in your MainWP Dashboard. The global widget will be added to the Overview page and individual widget on each child site overview page.

Important Notes

The Google Analytics Extension doesn't allow you to insert the Google Analytics tracking code on your child sites. To do that, you will need to add the code manually or use a 3rd party plugin.

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