MainWP Google Analytics Extension Configuration

Google Analytics Extension configuration requires two important steps:
  1. Establishing Connection with your Google Analytics Account
  2. Assigning sites from your Google Analytics Account to Child Sites in your MainWP Dashboard

1. Establishing Connection with Google Analytics Account

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Google Analytics > Add Account page
  3. Locate the Google Analytics Integration option box
    1. Enter Account name
    2. Enter your Client ID
    3. Enter your Secret Client
    4. Click the Connect Account button

2. Assigning sites from your Google Account to Child Sites in your MainWP Dashboard

  1. Go to the MainWP > Sites > Manage Sites page
  2. Locate your first child site and click the Edit action
  3. Locate the Google Analytics section
  4. Select the correct property in the Google Analytics account property option
  5. Click the Update Site button
  6. Repeat the process for all your child sites

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