Common Issues With the Google Pagespeed Insights Plugin

I can't see any reports in my MainWP Dashboard.

  1. Access your childs site(s) and see if the plugin is generating reports properly. If yes, please try to sync your child sites and see if that helps. If the Google Pagespeed Insights plugin is not generating reports, check the common issues listed below.

I entered my API Key and saved the Options, but no Reports are showing up in the Report List.

  1. Google Pagespeed needs to be able to load each page to create its report. Make sure that your pages are publicly accessible over the internet.
  2. Ensure that your API key is entered correctly and that you have enabled the "PageSpeed Insights API" from the Google API Console.
  3. If problems persist, your server may not support the default method used to check pages. There are two alternative methods available that you can try.
    1. Navigate to the "Options" tab
    2. Expand the "Advanced Configuration" section.
    3. Find the "Scan Technique" dropdown.
    4. Try "Ajax" next; if problems persist, try "Session Flush."
    5. Click "Save Options & Check Pages

Page report checks never finish all of the ways; I have to press "Save Options & Check Pages" repeatedly to get it to finish checking all of my pages.

  1. If the reports seem to always run for a certain length of time before stopping unexpectedly, you may be exceeding your server's Max Execution time. Try increasing the value in Options->Advanced Configuration "Maximum Execution Time." Note: If PHP is running in safe mode, your Max Execution time cannot be changed from this option; you may need to contact your server administrator for further assistance.
  2. If problems persist, your server may not fully support the default method used to check pages. There are two alternative methods available that you can try.
    1. Navigate to the "Options" tab
    2. Expand the "Advanced Configuration" section.
    3. Find the "Scan Technique" dropdown.
    4. Try "Ajax" next; if problems persist, try "Session Flush."
    5. Click "Save Options & Check Pages

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