Create a Drip Session

Drip Posts

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Posts > Add New page
  3. Set your post content and meta fields
  4. Locate the Post Dripper section
    1. Select the Use Post Dripper option
    2. Set dripper preferences
  5. Select your child sites
  6. Click the Publish button

Drip Pages

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Pages > Add New page
  3. Set your page content and meta fields
  4. Locate the Post Dripper section
    1. Select the Use Post Dripper option
    2. Set dripper preferences
  5. Select your child sites
  6. Click the Publish button

Drip Boilerplate Posts

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Posts > Add Boilerplate page
  3. Set your boilerplate post content and meta fields
  4. Locate the Post Dripper section
    1. Select the Use Post Dripper option
    2. Set dripper preferences
  5. Select your child sites
  6. Click the Publish button

Drip Boilerplate Pages

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Pages > Add Boilerplate page
  3. Set your boilerplate page content and meta fields
  4. Locate the Post Dripper section
    1. Select the Use Post Dripper option
    2. Set dripper preferences
  5. Select your child sites
  6. Click the Publish button

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