Set Random Metadata

If you want to use a random Author, Category, or Publishing date for your Posts or Pages, you can do it by using the options in the MainWP Randomizer section. The Extension adds this section to both,
  • MainWP > Posts > Add New page
  • MainWP > Pages > Add New page

Set Random Author

If you want to assign a random author for a post,
  1. Select the Set Random Author with privilege option
  2. Select Roles.
The Post Plus Extension will set random (existing) users from the selected role(s) from your child site and assign the post. As a result, the article will have a different author on each of your child sites.

Set Random Category

If you want to set a random category, select the Set Random Category option.
The Extension will pick one of the existing categories from your child site and assign the post.

Set Random Publishing Date

To set a random publishing date,
  1. Check the Set Random Publishing Date checkbox
  2. Optionally you can set a specific Date Range
If you set a specific date range, the Extension will pick a random date from the range. If left blank, the Extension will pick a random date. As a result, the article will have different publishing dates on each of your child sites.

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