Available Pro Reports Tokens

Client Tokens
[client.city] – Displays the Client City [client.company] – Displays the Client Company [client.contact.address.1] – Displays the Client Contact Address 1 [client.contact.address.2] – Displays the Client Contact Address 2 [client.contact.name] – Displays the Client Contact Name [client.email] – Displays the Client Email [client.name] – Displays the Client Name [client.phone] – Displays the Client Phone [client.site.name] – Displays the Site Name [client.site.url] – Displays the Site Url [client.state] – Displays the Client State [client.zip] – Displays the Client Zip
Special Tokens
[report.daterange] – Displays the report date range [report.send.date] – Displays the report send date [client.site.version] - Displays the WP version of the child site, [client.site.theme] => Displays the currently active theme for the child site [client.site.php] => Displays the PHP version of the child site [client.site.mysql] => Displays the MySQL version of the child site
[installed.plugins] => Displays the list of installed plugins with version number
[installed.themes] => Displays the list of installed themes with version number


[section.plugins.installed][/section.plugins.installed] – Loops through Plugins Installed during the selected date range [section.plugins.activated][/section.plugins.activated] – Loops through Plugins Activated during the selected date range [section.plugins.edited][/section.plugins.edited] – Loops through Plugins Edited during the selected date range [section.plugins.deactivated][/section.plugins.deactivated] – Loops through Plugins Deactivated during the selected date range [section.plugins.updated][/section.plugins.updated] – Loops through Plugins Updated during the selected date range [section.plugins.deleted][/section.plugins.deleted] – Loops through Plugins Deleted during the selected date range


[plugin.name] – Displays the Plugin Name [plugin.installed.date] – Displays the Plugin Installation Date [plugin.installed.author] – Displays the User who Installed the Plugin


[plugin.name] – Displays the Plugin Name [plugin.activated.date] – Displays the Plugin Activation Date [plugin.activated.author] – Displays the User who Activated the Plugin


[plugin.name] – Displays the Plugin Name [plugin.edited.date] – Displays the Plugin Editing Date [plugin.edited.author] – Displays the User who Edited the Plugin


[plugin.name] – Displays the Plugin Name [plugin.deactivated.date] – Displays the Plugin Deactivation Date [plugin.deactivated.author] – Displays the User who Deactivated the Plugin


[plugin.name] – Displays the Plugin Name [plugin.updated.date] – Displays the Plugin Update Date [plugin.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Plugin


[plugin.name] – Displays the Plugin Name [plugin.deleted.date] – Displays the Plugin Deliting Date [plugin.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Plugin


[plugin.old.version] –Displays the Plugin Version Before Update [plugin.current.version] – Displays the Plugin Current Vesion [plugin.installed.count] – Displays the Number of Installed Plugins [plugin.edited.count] – Displays the Number of Edited Plugins [plugin.activated.count] – Displays the Number of Activated Plugins [plugin.deactivated.count] – Displays the Number of Deactivated Plugins [plugin.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Plugins [plugin.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Plugins


[section.themes.installed][/section.themes.installed] – Loops through Themes Installed during the selected date range [section.themes.activated][/section.themes.activated] – Loops through Themes Activated during the selected date range [section.themes.edited][/section.themes.edited] – Loops through Themes Edited during the selected date range [section.themes.updated][/section.themes.updated] – Loops through Themes Updated during the selected date range [section.themes.deleted][/section.themes.deleted] – Loops through Themes Deleted during the selected date range


[theme.name] – Displays the Theme Name [theme.installed.date] – Displays the Theme Installation Date [theme.installed.author] – Displays the User who Installed the Theme


[theme.name] – Displays the Theme Name [theme.activated.date] – Displays the Theme Activation Date [theme.activated.author] – Displays the User who Activated the Theme


[theme.name] – Displays the Theme Name [theme.edited.date] – Displays the Theme Editing Date [theme.edited.author] – Displays the User who Edited the Theme


[theme.name] – Displays the Theme Name [theme.updated.date] – Displays the Theme Update Date [theme.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Theme


[theme.name] – Displays the Theme Name [theme.deleted.date] – Displays the Theme Deleting Date [theme.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Theme


[theme.old.version] – Displays the Theme Version Before Update [theme.current.version] – Displays the Theme Current Version [theme.installed.count] – Displays the Number of Installed Themes [theme.edited.count] – Displays the Number of Edited Themes [theme.activated.count] – Displays the Number of Activated Themes [theme.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Themes [theme.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Themes


[section.posts.created][/section.posts.created] – Loops through Posts Created during the selected date range [section.posts.updated][/section.posts.updated] – Loops through Posts Updated during the selected date range [section.posts.trashed][/section.posts.trashed] – Loops through Posts Trashed during the selected date range [section.posts.deleted][/section.posts.deleted] – Loops through Posts Deleted during the selected date range [section.posts.restored][/section.posts.restored] – Loops through Posts Restored during the selected date range


[post.title] – Displays the Post Title [post.created.date] – Displays the Post Createion Date [post.created.author] – Displays the User who Created the Post


[post.title] – Displays the Post Title [post.updated.date] – Displays the Post Update Date [post.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Post


[post.title] – Displays the Post Title [post.trashed.date] – Displays the Post Trashing Date [post.trashed.author] – Displays the User who Trashed the Post


[post.title] – Displays the Post Title [post.deleted.date] – Displays the Post Deleting Date [post.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Post


[post.title] – Displays Post Title [post.restored.date] – Displays the Post Restoring Date [post.restored.author] – Displays the User who Restored the Post


[post.created.count] – Displays the Number of Created Posts [post.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Posts [post.trashed.count] – Displays the Number of Trashed Posts [post.restored.count] – Displays the Number of Restored Posts [post.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Posts


[section.pages.created][/section.pages.created] – Loops through Pages Created during the selected date range [section.pages.updated][/section.pages.updated] – Loops through Pages Updated during the selected date range [section.pages.trashed][/section.pages.trashed] – Loops through Pages Trashed during the selected date range [section.pages.deleted][/section.pages.deleted] – Loops through Pages Deleted during the selected date range [section.pages.restored][/section.pages.restored] – Loops through Pages Restored during the selected date range


[page.title] –Displays the Page Title [page.created.date] – Displays the Page Createion Date [page.created.author] – Displays the User who Created the Page


[page.title] – Displays the Page Title [page.updated.date] – Displays the Page Updating Date [page.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Page


[page.title] – Displays the Page Title [page.trashed.date] – Displays the Page Trashing Date [page.trashed.author] – Displays the User who Trashed the Page


[page.title] – Displays the Page Title [page.deleted.date] – Displays the Page Deleting Date [page.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Page


[page.title] – Displays the Page Title [page.restored.date] – Displays the Page Restoring Date [page.restored.author] – Displays the User who Restored the Page


[page.created.count] – Displays the Number of Created Pages [page.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Pages [page.trashed.count] – Displays the Number of Trashed Pages [page.restored.count] – Displays the Number of Restored Pages [page.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Pages


[section.comments.created][/section.comments.created] – Loops through Comments Created during the selected date range [section.comments.updated][/section.comments.updated] – Loops through Comments Updated during the selected date range [section.comments.trashed][/section.comments.trashed] – Loops through Comments Trashed during the selected date range [section.comments.deleted][/section.comments.deleted] – Loops through Comments Deleted during the selected date range [section.comments.edited][/section.comments.edited] – Loops through Comments Edited during the selected date range [section.comments.restored][/section.comments.restored] – Loops through Comments Restored during the selected date range [section.comments.approved][/section.comments.approved] – Loops through Comments Approved during the selected date range [section.comments.spam][/section.comments.spam] – Loops through Comments Spammed during the selected date range [section.comments.replied][/section.comments.replied] – Loops through Comments Replied during the selected date range


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Created [comment.created.date] – Displays the Comment Creating Date [comment.created.author] – Displays the User who Created the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Updated [comment.updated.date] – Displays the Comment Updating Date [comment.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Trashed [comment.trashed.date] – Displays the Comment Trashing Date [comment.trashed.author] – Displays the User who Trashed the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Deleted [comment.deleted.date] – Displays the Comment Deleting Date [comment.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Edited [comment.edited.date] – Displays the Comment Editing Date [comment.edited.author] – Displays the User who Edited the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Restored [comment.restored.date] – Displays the Comment Restoring Date [comment.restored.author] – Displays the User who Restored the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Approved [comment.approved.date] – Displays the Comment Approving Date [comment.approved.author] – Displays the User who Approved the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Spammed [comment.spam.date] – Displays the Comment Spamming Date [comment.spam.author] – Displays the User who Spammed the Comment


[comment.title] – Displays the Title of the Post or the Page where the Comment is Replied [comment.replied.date] – Displays the Comment Replying Date [comment.replied.author] – Displays the User who Replied the Comment


[comment.created.count] – Displays the Number of Created Comments [comment.trashed.count] – Displays the Number of Trashed Comments [comment.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Comments [comment.edited.count] – Displays the Number of Edited Comments [comment.restored.count] – Displays the Number of Restored Comments [comment.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Comments [comment.approved.count] – Displays the Number of Approved Comments [comment.spam.count] – Displays the Number of Spammed Comments [comment.replied.count] – Displays the Number of Replied Comments


[section.users.created][/section.users.created] – Loops through Users Created during the selected date range [section.users.updated][/section.users.updated] – Loops through Users Updated during the selected date range [section.users.deleted][/section.users.deleted] – Loops through Users Deleted during the selected date range


[user.name] – Displays the User Name [user.created.date] – Displays the User Creation Date [user.created.author] – Displays the User who created the new User [user.created.role] – Displays the Role of the Created User


[user.name] – Displays the User Name [user.updated.date] – Displays the User Updating Date [user.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the new User [user.updated.role] – Displays the Role of the Updated User


[user.name] – Displays the User Name [user.deleted.date] – Displays the User Deleting Date [user.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the new User


[user.created.count] – Displays the Number of Created Users [user.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Users [user.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Users


[section.media.uploaded][/section.media.uploaded] – Loops through Media Uploaded during the selected date range [section.media.updated][/section.media.updated] – Loops through Media Updated during the selected date range [section.media.deleted][/section.media.deleted] – Loops through Media Deleted during the selected date range


[media.name] – Displays the Media Name [media.uploaded.date] – Displays the Media Uploading Date [media.uploaded.author] – Displays the User who Uploaded the Media File


[media.name] – Displays the Media Name [media.updated.date] – Displays the Media Updating Date [media.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updted the Media File


[media.name] – Displays the Media Name [media.deleted.date] – Displays the Media Deleting Date [media.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Media File


[media.uploaded.count] – Displays the Number of Uploaded Media Files [media.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Media Files [media.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Media Files


[section.widgets.added][/section.widgets.added] – Loops through Widgets Added during the selected date range [section.widgets.updated][/section.widgets.updated] – Loops through Widgets Updated during the selected date range [section.widgets.deleted][/section.widgets.deleted] – Loops through Widgets Deleted during the selected date range


[widget.title] – Displays the Widget Title [widget.added.area] – Displays the Widget Adding Area [widget.added.date] – Displays the Widget Adding Date [widget.added.author] – Displays the User who Added the Widget


[widget.title] – Displays the Widget Name [widget.updated.area] – Displays the Widget Updating Area [widget.updated.date] – Displays the Widget Updating Date [widget.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Widget


[widget.title] – Displays the Widget Name [widget.deleted.area] – Displays the Widget Deleting Area [widget.deleted.date] – Displays the Widget Deleting Date [widget.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Widget


[widget.added.count] – Displays the Number of Added Widgets [widget.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Widgets [widget.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Widgets


[section.menus.created][/section.menus.created] – Loops through Menus Created during the selected date range [section.menus.updated][/section.menus.updated] – Loops through Menus Updated during the selected date range [section.menus.deleted][/section.menus.deleted] – Loops through Menus Deleted during the selected date range


[menu.title] – Displays the Menu Name [menu.created.date] – Displays the Menu Creation Date [menu.created.author] – Displays the User who Created the Menu


[menu.title] – Displays the Menu Name [menu.updated.date] – Displays the Menu Updating Date [menu.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Menu


[menu.title] – Displays the Menu Name [menu.deleted.date] – Displays the Menu Deleting Date [menu.deleted.author] – Displays the User who Deleted the Menu


[menu.created.count] – Displays the Number of Created Menus [menu.updated.count] – Displays the Number of Updated Menus [menu.deleted.count] – Displays the Number of Deleted Menus


[section.wordpress.updated][/section.wordpress.updated] – Loops through WordPress Updates during the selected date range


[wordpress.updated.date] – Displays the WordPress Update Date [wordpress.updated.author] – Displays the User who Updated the Site [wordpress.old.version] – Displays the WordPress Version Before Update [wordpress.current.version] – Displays the Current WordPress Version


[wordpress.updated.count] – Displays the Number of WordPress Updates


[section.backups.created][/section.backups.created] – Loops through Backups Created during the selected date range


[backup.created.type] – Displays the Created Backup type (Full or Database) [backup.created.date] – Displays the Backups Creation date


[backup.created.count] – Displays the number of created backups during the selected date range
Sucuri – Available only with the MainWP Sucuri Extension


[section.sucuri.checks][/section.sucuri.checks] – Loops through Security Checks during the selected date range


[sucuri.check.date] – Displays the Security Check date [sucuri.check.status] – Displays the Status info for the Child Site [sucuri.check.webtrust] – Displays the Web trust info for the Child Site


[sucuri.checks.count] – Displays the number of performed security checks during the selected date range
Google Analytics – Available only with the Google Analytics Extension
[ga.visits] – Displays the Number Visits during the selected date range [ga.pageviews] – Displays the Number of Page Views during the selected date range [ga.pages.visit] – Displays the Number of Page visits during the selected date range [ga.bounce.rate] – Displays the Bounce Rate during the selected date range [ga.avg.time] – Displays the Average Visit Time during the selected date range [ga.new.visits] – Displays the Number of New Visits during the selected date range [ga.visits.chart] – Displays a chart for the selected date range [ga.visits.maximum] - Displays the maximum visitor number and its day within the past month [ga.startdate] - Displays the start date for the chart [ga.enddate] - Displays the end date or the chart
Piwik – Available only with the Piwik Extension
[piwik.visits] – Displays the Number of Visits during the selected date range [piwik.pageviews] – Displays the Number of Page Views during the selected date range [piwik.pages.visit] – Displays the Number of Page visits during the selected date range [piwik.bounce.rate] – Displays the Bounce Rate during the selected date range [piwik.avg.time] – Displays the Average Visit Time during the selected date range [piwik.new.visits] – Displays the Number of New Visits during the selected date range
Advanced Uptime Monitor – Available only with the Advanced Uptime Monitor Extension
[aum.alltimeuptimeratio] – Displays the Uptime ratio from the moment the monitor has been created [aum.uptime7] – Displays the Uptime ratio for the last 7 days [aum.uptime15] – Displays the Uptime ratio for the last 15 days [aum.uptime30] – Displays the Uptime ratio for the last 30 days [aum.uptime45] – Displays the Uptime ratio for the last 45 days [aum.uptime60] – Displays the Uptime ratio for last 60 days
WooCommerce – Available only with the WooCommerce Status Extension
[wcomstatus.sales] – Displays total sales during the selected date range [wcomstatus.topseller] – Displays the top seller product during the selected date range [wcomstatus.awaitingprocessing] – Displays the number of products currently awaiting processing [wcomstatus.onhold] – Displays the number of orders currently on hold [wcomstatus.lowonstock] – Displays the number of products currently low on stock [wcomstatus.outofstock] – Displays the number of products currently out of stock
WordFence – Available only with the Wordfence Extension


[section.wordfence.scan][/section.wordfence.scan] – Loops through Security Scans during the selected date range


[wordfence.scan.result] – Displays the Status info for the Child Site [maintenance.process.details] – Displays the Scan details [wordfence.scan.date] – Displays the Security Scan date


[wordfence.scan.count] – Displays the number of performed scans during the date range
Maintenance – Available only with the Maintenance Extension


[section.maintenance.process][/section.maintenance.process] – Loops through Maintanence actions during the selected date range


[maintenance.process.details] – Displays the maintanence details [maintenance.process.result] – Displays the maintanence result [maintenance.process.date] – Displays the maintanence action date


[maintenance.process.count] – Displays the number of performed maintenance tasks during the selected date range
Page Speed – Available only with the Page Speed Extension
[pagespeed.average.desktop] – Displays the average Desktop page speed score [pagespeed.average.mobile] – Displays the average Mobile page speed score
Virusdie – Available only with the Virusdie Extension


[section.virusdie.scans][/section.virusdie.scans] - Loops through Virusdie scans during the selected date range


[virusdie.scan.time] - Dsiplays the scan time [virusdie.scan.date] - Dsiplays the scan date [virusdie.scan.status] - Displays the site status [virusdie.scan.details] - Displays the scan details


[virusdie.scans.count] - displays the number of scans performed during the selected date range

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