Get Started with MainWP Pro Reports Extension

Getting started with the Pro Reports system is a multistep process. It's a system of multiple plugins that should be configured properly to work. To get started,
  1. Install the MainWP Child Reports plugin on all your child sites (if you already use the Client Reports extension and have the Child Reports plugin installed on your sites, skip this step). Once the plugin is installed, it will start recording certain actions that you can show in reports after.
  2. Install the MainWP Pro Reports Extension on your MainWP Dashboard
  3. Sync your site (it's important to sync your sites so your Dashboard can pick up all the sites that have the MainWP Child Reports plugin installed)
  4. Once the extension is properly installed, start entering basic client info for your child sites. To do that,
    1. Go to the MainWP > Sites > Manage Sites page
    2. Locate the first site and click the Edit action to edit site settings
    3. On the Edit page for the site, locate the Pro Reports Tokens section
    4. Enter the token values and save updates
  5. Once the tokens are set, you are ready to start working on reports. If you are a new user and you haven't had the MainWP Child Reports plugin installed on your sites, you may need to wait for a couple of days before the plugin records some actions. Once there is some data to show, you can generate and send reports.

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