Send Report

To create and send reports to your clients,
  1. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Pro Reports > Create Report page
  2. Under the Report Settings section,
    1. Enter a Report title
    2. Select Report type (If you want to send report right away, select One-time report, if you want to schedule automated reports, select Recurring)
    3. Select Report date range
  3. Under the Report Template Selection section,
    1. Select a template for your report
  4. Under the Report Content & Design Customization section,
    1. on the Custom Content tab, set Report heading, introduction message, and closing message.
    2. on the Report Data tab, select what you want to show in the report
    3. on the Personal Branding tab, upload your logo and custom image for the first page of the report (if left blank, default image will be used)
    4. on the Custom Report Colors tab, set preferred colors to reflect your brand
  5. Under the Email Settings section,
    1. Enter the Send email from data (in most cases, your email address and name)
    2. Enter the Send email to data (in most cases, your client email address and name. Tokens are allowed here)
    3. Enter the Email subject (Tokens are allowed here)
    4. Enter the Email message (Tokens are allowed here)
    5. Select Email template
    6. Optionally, enter BCC email address
    7. Optionally, attach additional email attachments
  6. Select wanted site(s)
  7. Preview report or Download PDF for review, and once you are sure that the report is ready, click the Send Report button

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